Not much new is going on. Tyler went back to Ashland... makes me so sad. I hate him being so far from home! But I am really proud of him- he worked his butt off this summer, saved some money, bought all of his books. And he wants to go on a mission trip next year... so he has totally set up a St. Pattys day triathlon @ Ashland to raise money for the trip. I mean he did sooo much work for this thing. He created a website, is still in the process of getting sponsors, opened special bank acct, created the event course, designed t-shirts, arranged for food/drink supplies, etc. I hope I will be able to go and volunteer-passing out food & drinks or something. I am just so proud of him!
Levi has resumed school, 7th grade!!! Oh my! Where has the time gone? I just cannot believe my baby is in jr. high. He's not a baby anymore.... 5ft 1 inch! Before you know it I will be looking at him eye to eye. He is really starting to grow. He still tells me he loves me when I drop him off at football, I hope that never ever changes :) I am excited to see how this school year goes... hoping he does well with his schoolwork, he became so independent last year and did soooo much better. It all of a sudden wasn't the struggle it used to be- thank God, because Lord knows that me helping him wasn't much help at all, lol. I worry about math, but I am sure he will be just fine.
Jess is working at a coffee shop in Tipp, it is gorgeous! I walked in and thought... this is what I want my home to look and feel like. It's beautiful! She really likes working there alot. Low stress that you don't take home with you- I can relate to that one. I think she will miss her students though, we'll see. She has all of a sudden become "crafty" and I love it, makes me laugh. She's turning into me. Except she is far more creative. She's refinishing an antique desk, making shelves and different wall art from old things. I am happy to see her doing this because Tyler always got credited with being the artistic one, when secretly she is too. She draws and paints as well. I just think it's so good for her to express that part of herself. LOVE IT!
Zack is still working at Home Depot. He's been getting full time hrs, so thats been really good. He has had several interviews, but no luck. The job market just pretty much sucks. I feel bad for them- college degrees and loans... and nothin! I hope he is able to find something soon, don't think he really likes working there so much. But at least its a job for now.