Hello! It is now 09-01-2010! I'm so glad. I love September. I get round #5 in about 9 hrs., I suppose I should be in bed..but don't want to go to sleep and miss any time while I feel so good :) So, not much is new. My hair is growing back and I am not sure what color it is yet...it looks white sometimes, blonde and light brownish other times, depending on the lighting. lol. But I love the way it feels...like baby bird hair, it's all soft and fuzzy- wierd. I rub it all the time because it is so soft. It was funny, today my friend Tammy visited and then we went shopping, she mentioned that we probably looked like dikes! hahahahaha. I am pretty sure we did... she has a cute little pixie haircut, and I am half bald/ half soft, fluffy buzz! Made me laugh until I realized people were probably assuming that I am the dude! Not so funny then! I also have new eyelashes...I know it is so shallow & vain, but THANK YOU GOD! I think when those fell out, well, that was the point I felt like "Pat" from SNL... is it a man or woman??? So now I feel pretty again with my eyelashes. I feel like I am clearly female with mascara on.
Other news... Jessi is now picking up hours at the stable for a little extra cash. I am SOOOOOO proud of her!!! She is working in the Anna school district with special needs kids. They have downs and autism. I love her passion about it all. Her face lights up when she tells me about her day and these kids...especially her favorite little boy. I think it is awesome how she is applying all of her experience from college to give the absolute best to these children. She is so young and fresh, full of optimism and hope for them. She is a special girl...I couldn't do it. She is just exhausted, she leaves at 7:30 am and returns about 12 hours later. My poor baby girl, I know she is so tired. And she is missing Zack so bad since he went back to BG. They skype all night. It is hilarious, one night she was holding the laptop and saying, "do you wanna watch TV with me?" and took "him" into the living room. First I was like... barf! Then I was thinking how awesome it is she's so in love! Who is this girl? She has been such a man hater for so long, glad my sweet girl is back!
And Ty is doing well. I miss that boy so much!!! I miss his hugs. He is nonstop with FB practice and 19 credit hours. I can't wait to see him again!!! I wish chemo wasn't tomorrow...because there is NO way I can drive 5 hrs round trip to get him home for the weekend :( makes me sad. But I am going to go see him & stay the night 09-18! yay! Btw.. I didn't post about his 1st scrimmage. He carried 3 times, got about 11yds for 1st down, then about 6-7 yds, then ran the ball in for a TD! It was so fun watching him. He's my little beefcake! He is so fricking built and obsessed with working out, lifting, etc that we call him douglas, from the movie 50 1st dates...HAHAHA. We are always saying, "lay off the juice douglas" If you have seen the movie I'm sure you just giggled. If ever I see a mid drift netted jersey..I will be all over it for a christmas present. heeheehee. Tyler...if you should read this, you better call me tomorrow!!! Why no phone call or text today? At least a text, only takes 5 seconds!
Levi started 6th grade... caught somewhere between a boy and a man. Sometimes he is too cool for me, is doing homework independently, maturing. And the next minute, he is my little doodlebug, and I can still hold him, tickle his back while he is falling asleep, and love on him with eskimo & butterfly kisses. I love it, and I know my days of that are numbered...like really soon. So I am soaking up every second he lets me still be "mommy". Although he knows no matter how old we both get, he will always be my baby. I make him promise to never stick me in a nursing home, he has to feed me and change my diapers when I am old...and I think he is the one who would. lol. He is such a sweet kid. But he cracks my butt up too. He is hilarious.
OMGosh!!! It is 1am...got to go! I will try not to post until I wake up from what Jessi has termed my chemo coma. She is so funny, when I am being pathetic she'll sing... ka ka ka chemo! ya know, like cha cha cha chia! for those dumb chia pets. Drives me nuts, but it does make me laugh. It is supposed to be a gorgeous weekend, so I wish lots of fun and love to all...hope it's a great holiday for you!!! peace out!
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