Wednesday, October 13, 2010

I am having a glass of wine, well, two actually. I cannot go to sleep. I am so excited to get my PET scan results tomorrow!!! Just said prayers with Levi and he asked God to make my cancer go away. Ditto Doodlebug! It's funny, I figured I would be nervous/anxious about it...and I have felt amazingly peaceful-until about 1/2 hour ago. lol. I am not scared at all! Ready to find out the damage I did with all of that unbearable chemo. So, statistically, if the tumor is the same size we've done awesome keeping it at bay (because it is so aggressive). But, I believe in miracles and I am feeling tremedous faith that the %$#+%@&* tumor is about gone! And whatever is left I will annihalate with radiation. Whatever tomorrow brings...I am thankful because my life is soooo sweet! I have never felt so much love before this journey began, so in a very sick kind of way I am grateful (partially) to have had my eyes opened to the real meaning of life. I always knew it intellectually, but now I KNOW it in my heart, huge difference. I love every moment that my eyes are open, every smile, every hug, every touch, every act of kindness, the smell and sight of this beautiful earth, laughter, intimate moments with friends and family, the excitement of holidays and seasons changing, blah blah blah...I could go on forever. You get the point, it's about RIGHT HERE...RIGHT NOW! Contentment with this very moment, not needing to improve or change anything, just soaking up life and love. OK, now I sound like an Oprah guest, but it is so true, when you could lose it all, the world becomes a different place, so new and precious and amazing! I think as we grow up we forget the basics. So my goal in life is to never grow up! See the world through the eyes of a child; they don't worry about money, how their hair looks, their weight, what else they need, or the future, they just go with the flow every day. Very cool! So no worries for's alllllll good! I hope you LIVE OUT LOUD today! I will update tomorrow. God bless us ALL!


  1. CARPE DIEM!!!!

    All I can think when reading this is you WOW me beyond belief!!! And all I can say is I LOVE YOU with all of my heart-n-soul.



  2. I just heard the good news!!! I'm in tears right now!!! You are an amazing person!!! So happy for you!!

    Jill Brown
