Saturday, October 9, 2010
 here is the story, we finally got Dr. M. to crack up!!! YAY! Jill and I decided, well, I convinced her, to dress up like wonder woman and super girl for my appt. before my last treatment. We were posing when he walked in and I stated," We are here to battle cancer with the last round of chemo!" It was freaking hilarious!!! He opened the door and took a step in, I made my declaration, he slowly backed up and closed the door. 2 seconds later the door reopened and Dr. M. walked back in and LAUGHED OUT LOUD!!! Jill and I high fived eachother...we got him! Top right pic is Jill & I trying on our costumes the day before...we had so much fun running around in my back yard playing Diana Prince, AKA Wonder Woman! hahahahhaa. Then we got there with our coats on, ready to change finish changing in the room and Jill was trying to back out on me. She was like about to have diarrhea she was so nervous about doing it. I was like, whatever!!! She wouldn't break character the day before, I knew she was loving it! Then, Dawn, top left pic, asked us if we were gonna flash, I assume because of the coats in 90 degree weather. HAHAHAHA, I am so sure Dawn! As if we would do that! She was cracking up when she saw the outfits. Thank you Dawn and Patti (nurse in bottom pic) for helping us set up and doing wigs and taking pictures! IT WAS SO MUCH FUN! I think I earned myself a mental health referral! Then Jill and I walked back to the treatment room to inspire all the poor patients that were hooked up to their chemo. I truly think people think we are nuts! lol. Any hooo... I have to go, going to see my baby Ty today! So excited! Will write again soon. Love to all!


  1. Why didn't Doc M give ME meds? I think I could use some! Janet,truly IS Wonder Woman! Being Super Girl was an honor! (I still cannot believe we did that...We cearly have issues deeper than chemo!):) I love you, Janet...beyond super-hero capabilities! xoxo Jillian

  2. OMG!!!!!! i truly want to party with you guys! I miss you my friend.... maybe get together for a bonfire soon??????

  3. Yeah!! Janet I love it!! :) You are always soo good at putting smiles on everyones faces. I just admire everything about you!!

  4. are incredible. I received a packet in the mail from the birth center a few weeks ago...had me cracking up because it was all the stuff I forgot to take off my locker when I quit. Pics of Hilary Clinton and Obama! You are too funny. I think of you often! God bless you sister. Thanks for continuing to make me smile...
    Cindy Sammetinger

  5. Janet~~I cannot stop laughing!! Thinking of you often and miss you much! Congrats on the last treatment-keep your boxing gloves up, my prayers are always for you:) Love you, Jana

  6. Ka-POW ~ ZING ~ ZAP
    You two are Super Heroes and ROCKSTARS!!

    Loved seeing this, thank you.
    You are beautiful to the core. Look out Linda Carter there's a new sheriff in town!


  7. Why is everyone calling you Janet? I thought your name was Jana... hahahah! Do you remember that!!!!!!
