Tuesday, September 7, 2010

I am officially an old lady..white hair, obsessed with the weather and my bowels. lol. I ended up in the hospital for a couple days due to severe stomach pain, haven't been able to eat or poop. It reminds me of when I had histo and I was so thin with a big pregnant looking belly. Yesterday I had my tight jeans on, except they were falling off with the belt on the tightest hole. I don't recognize my body right now, and this whole time I have been trying to eat well and maintain my weight, but I just cannot eat anymore or I am in pain. I have lost another 5 lbs. in the past week. But the good news..thanks to gas-ex, tums, senna tabs, 2 laxatives, and suppositories...I finally had relief this morning! I know, TMI! This round has SUCKED! On one hand, I feel like I am in a marathon and am about to cross the finish line and feel like...keep goin girl, you are almost there!. On the other, I am DONE! I can't take it anymore. I just can't do it anymore. I soooo feel the toll this is taking. I know I said before that dermatomyositis was worse..I lied. This is by far the most difficult thing I have ever been through (besides losing Dad and Terry).
And here is where Jill comes in...my angle!!! She was right by my side through this ordeal and told me the most wonderful interpretation of one of my favorite verses..Isaiah 40:31 "those who wait on the Lord renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles, they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint."

The interpretation is that we should wait (not like at a red light, but like a waiter) on God. Serve Him. Anticipates what pleases Him. And here is the really cool part that I love...the eagle is the only bird that flies directly into the storm. The wind catches its wings perfectly and carries it ABOVE the storm where it can glide and not have to fight the storm. :) THANK YOU JILL!!! You will never know how those words carried me through last friday, or whatever day it was...I don't even remember. I will CLING to those words and that verse to get me through the end of this treatment! You are the bestest sister ever in the whole wide world and I LOVE YOU to bits! I hope that maybe it will help someone reading this if they are going through something difficult right now, remember..you are not alone! God carries us and loves us more than we can imagine.


  1. What a great analogy of the verse. My first spiritual beliefs became strong through native writings and philosophies. This was a real home for me due to my family, grandparents aunts, uncles, endless number of cousins all being West in Colorado. Through trips during infant, child, teen years of my life this was what I learned to know as holy land. The rockies/garden of the Gods etc. along with my family nurtured my young soul.

    In becoming Catholic these beliefs were a real concern of mine. Fortunately the director of the RCIA was Choctaw Indian. She helped me greatly to understand how naturally and peaceful the two beliefs co-exist.

    Isaiah's verse to the interpretation is very beautiful.

    Much love to you sister!!

    Also to comment briefly on Pooh stories. Julia gets great joy from her BM's these days. She glows like she is accepting the golden globe. Own that sh!t.

  2. Janet, and Jill, that is too cool! I've never heard the whole eagle analogy :) I love you guys! I know I can't help you get through this physically, but I'm constantly praying for you and thinking about you, and it's not in a stalkerish way ;) xoxoxoxox
    Love, Jenni B
